SONIC AND BABY GREED Zone Of Time 3 Of Projects Wikia

Sonic said 'EggMen You're Going To destroy us all' EggMan said 'My Baby. Gaius Nooo >_< you will pay Sonic.I'm calling the 0_0 Sun To The Planet'. Cha Cha said 'ahhhh we're going to be BBQ if we don't stop him Sonic.'


Sonic and baby Greed EggMan Burning Sun of torture Final story mode cut

Eggman said 'you're really done it this time Sonic.

I'm going to burn this planet.

You hurt my baby gaius!?-\-

i will not let it go unpunished for this.

Heavy Duker activate calls planet'.

Then the music started. [1]

Eggman ha ha ha HA more soon
